Little Bits of Me

Name: Kimberly Doerr but most call me Kimmi.

How long have you been married? My soulmate and I have been married for almost 30 years.

How many children do you have? We are blessed with 7 amazing children. That includes two by choice and 5 by fate.

What is my favorite thing to do? I love spending time with my family and friends. Sprinkle in some laughter, love, and adventures then we have a perfect day.

Go to drink? Coffee, it is a life source.

Early bird or Night owl? Early bird. We have a small hobby farm with Nigerian Dwarf goats and five young children we homeschool. My late nights adventures are few and far between and I am tired. Happy but tired.

What is your favorite camera? Canon in brand, of course. This year the Canon R5 mirrorless is new to me and I am finding my way around it.

What do you enjoy in your free time? Reading, it is hard to find time to do it in the busy schedule of things. However, a good book and an active imagination is the basis of everything.